Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 16, 2006
No More Video Rooms

The Rockies are innovating, using iPods to allow their players to watch videos of pitchers and hitters any time, any place. I recently bought one for my daughter after finding out college students are using these to rewatch and rehear lectures. Something designed for entertainment is finding myriad educational uses.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:57 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

These Gen 5 ("video") iPods are also being used for all kinds of job training. Good to see that a baseball club is adopting the new portable technology.

Posted by: Saber Head at June 16, 2006 08:05 PM

My goodness, how much job training can one do on that tiny screen? My guess is it's an intermediate step until real PVP's come out.

Posted by: Matt at June 17, 2006 02:20 AM
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