Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 16, 2006
A-Rod to K-Rod

Alex Rodriguez's slump reached a new low tonight. He's struck out in his last two at bats, first with runners at 2nd and 3rd (one out) and the Yankees trailing by two. A minute ago, in the bottom of the eighth, he struck out with the bases loaded and two out. Of course, Cano followed the first strikeout with one of his own, and Giambi preceded the second with a pop out with the bases juiced. He's not the only one failing tonight as the Yankees scored just five runs on 13 hits and four walks, but he's looking the worst doing it. The game is tied at five in the bottom of the 8th.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:53 PM | Players | TrackBack (0)
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