Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 16, 2006
Reds White Washed

Every Chicago White Sox starter knocked out at least one hit tonight, including pitcher Freddy Garcia. The White Sox put 19 men on by either a hit or a walk to blow out the Reds 12-4. Joe Crede went three for five with a double, homer and four RBI. He's benefitting from having more men on base in front of him this season. He now has 43 RBI in 64 games, when last year he drove in 62 all season. He's getting more opportunities and making the most of them. Last year, at this point he had 131 runners on base and drove in 13.0%. Coming into tonight he had 173 on base, and drove in 17.3%.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:26 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)
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