Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 18, 2006
Segui Way

Via Deadspin, David Sequi tells ESPN he is named in the Grimsley affidavit, but that he took HGH legally under a doctor's care.

Schaap: Your name's been redacted. It's blacked out in the affidavit. Maybe people would find out; maybe they wouldn't. Why come forward?

Segui: One is because I know. Two, eventually names are going to leak out, and I don't want to have to make a public statement after the names leak out explaining myself ... if I knew a guy was named -- knew his name was in that affidavit, for a month or so, never made a statement, I'd question -- I'd question why ... I truly don't feel like I have anything to hide.

I remember a game from the 1990's in which the Mariners wore uniforms designed by Ken Griffey Jr. The shirts were sleeveless, and you really got a great view of the guns on these players. I remember being really impressed with the size of Segui's upper arms. My thought at the time was, if a lousy hitter has arms like that, no wonder so many home runs are hit.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:54 PM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)
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