Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 18, 2006
Big Cats Maul Cubs

The Tigers smashed eight home runs today, tying Atlanta for the most long balls hit in a game this year. Not surprisingly, Atlanta also had their big day against the Cubs, winning 13-12 on May 28th. Prior and Novoa each gave up four, accounting for all 12 Tigers' runs. Shelton and Inge pounded two each. It's the most home runs Mark Prior ever allowed in a game. The Tigers keep their lead in the AL Central at 1 1/2 games with the 12-3 win.

Posted by David Pinto at 06:34 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

According to the Baseball Almanac, the record for the most home runs in a game with no other runs is 6, by the A's against Minnesota Aug 3, 1991. I don't know if this breaks the record, though. Does this record only count solo shots, or do multi run HR's get the record too? If it's the latter, congrats to the Tigers on setting a record!

Posted by: mcmali at June 18, 2006 07:32 PM

How much longer does Dusty have?

Posted by: Marty at June 18, 2006 08:11 PM

dusty gonna stay.

it's not HIS fault the team is losing

why who could win with neifi, womack, pierre hitting 1,2,3 and besides, as soon as prior, wood and lee are healthy, they gonna Go All The WAY

and if they don't, it's not dusty's fault.

it NEVER is

Posted by: lisa gray at June 19, 2006 02:04 AM
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