Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 19, 2006
Royals Blog and Fan Comments

Via Red Reporter, the Kansas City Royals established a blog on That's wonderful. They're accepting comments which is even better. But they're also finding out that the readers hold your feet to the fire. Their first post about revoking credentials is bringing out the ire of KC fans, and rightly so. If this is going to be the purpose of the blog:

We will use this forum to share our insight, thoughts and opinions, while helping separate fact from fiction on the Royals and other pertinent issues to the ball club. Be sure to share your thoughts and let us know what you think!

Then they better make sure they have their facts straight.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:56 AM | Blogs | TrackBack (0)

They are right on this one. Those dolts deserved to lose press credentials to any sporting event/team LONG ago.


Posted by: brian at June 19, 2006 12:47 PM

It seems to me that some small market teams (like Kansas City) can be easily successful if they had better management/front office personel.

The Twins and A's have been decently successful over the past few years and teams with low payrolls have won some of the recent world series while teams with payrolls around $200,000,000 can barely make it the fall classic.

This is what KC fans are seeing, and the Royals management is ignoring. I lived near KC in '99...when they had Beltran, Damon, & Sweeney in the top of their order. They had a nice foundation for a winning team. At the very least, they could've traded away these guys for some up & coming talent that would build them into a winner by now. Look at Cleveland! They competed the past 2 seasons.

I could go on forever. I just get upset when front office folks think they can just let a team wade through the mire and give excuses for it and ignore what any half interested fan can figure out.

Posted by: Devon at June 19, 2006 03:00 PM
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