Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 22, 2006
Who's the Worst?

The Pirates lost to the Royals today 15-7. If you get swept by the worst team in baseball, does that title automatically transfer? The Pirates own four more wins than the Royals, but with this sweep, capped off by a very embarassing loss, Pittsburgh has to rank the lowest rung on the ladder right now.

Posted by David Pinto at 06:10 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

re: the pirates

one of the noblest franchises in baseball, the pirates have seen hard times before during the kiner years of the 40s and 50s, but during the 60s-90ss they were usually reliably good buttressed by a latin american farm system buoyed by the fact that Roberto Clemente played for Pittsburgh and not somewhere else.

During the 70s, they just rolled out guys who could hit like crazzy, Dave Cash, Rennie Stennett, Bill Madlock, Willie Stargell, Dave Parker, guys who competed for batting titles and home run crowns, not just hitters, but HITTERS. Barry Bonds in recent years came out of their system.

Hopefully two things happen One, Mark Cuban buys them and keeps them in Pittsburgh, not move them to Dallas.

Second, Florida moves to Las Vegas, and Pittsburgh moves back to the East Division so they can renew their long-time rivalry with the Phillies, which has been missing for 12 long years.

Even as a bad team, the Phils-Bucs was always special.

--arthur john kyriazis
--philly PA

Posted by: arthur john kyriazis at June 23, 2006 12:19 PM
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