Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 22, 2006
Who's the Source?

At this post, Deadspin tells you how to read the blacked out portion of the PDF in which the government makes its case for upholding the subpoena of the Game of Shadows authors. I don't know why Deadspin didn't publish the name of the suspected informant, but I've decoded section C. It seems the government has e-mails between the reporters and the suspected leaker. It's pretty funny how the three step around asking for the CD of the testimony, and suddenly (and rightly) get concerned about their e-mail being read.

Well, maybe there's another way of some sort to communicate; either pay phone or
cell or even meeting that would provide more comfort. Frankly, I wanted to make
a pitch about seeing some stuff and talking about a few things . . . . As to our email
exchanges, well, the only way they end up in our paper is if/when you give
me the green light. As with the CD-Rom, waiting, waiting, waiting . . . .

I don't want to get in trouble naming names, but you can have fun reading it on your own.

Update: SI is reporting it's Victor Conte. That's how he got his revenge on the athletes who testified against him.

Posted by David Pinto at 06:15 PM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

so HOW did conte get the transcripts, if it WAS him?

Posted by: lisa gray at June 23, 2006 01:21 AM
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