Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 22, 2006
Ozzie Gets in Trouble

Selig came down hard on Ozzie Guillen today, suspending him one whole game for his part in the beaning of Chris Duncan and fined him for calling a reporter a fag. Guillen will also undergo sensitivity training. Ozzie is such a personality, however, I can see the class coming out talking more like Ozzie than the other way around.

And if he's going to WNBA games and Madonna concerts, how much more sensitive can he get? :-)

Posted by David Pinto at 08:41 PM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)

Duncan was hit on his rear, so I don't think it's correct to say he was "beaned".

While I think Ozzie is probably an egotistical ass, I don't think he's a headhunter. It's not like Duncan getting hit was unprovoked. Ponson hit 2 guys and didn't get tossed, just like Padilla didn't in Texas. Instead, "warnings" are issued and Guillen has the choice of just taking it or getting suspended. It's not a great system.

Posted by: Hyperion at June 23, 2006 02:06 AM
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