Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 23, 2006
Little Fixes

Scott Priestle looks at how the Indians are going to go about fixing the team. They're going to keep the core in place and try to find the right supporting players.

The key to keeping pace in the increasingly talented American League Central is assembling the right supporting cast, and the Indians' spotty play through 71 games suggests they have the wrong mix. The bullpen has been shaky, the starting rotation inconsistent and the defense uninspiring.

"It's up to us to determine what those negatives mean and how to address them," Shapiro said.

He and assistant general manager Chris Antonetti are not likely to rush into judgments. They generally study trends throughout the game, look for historical comparisons and try to forecast ramifications before making a move.

One thing the Indians might want to address is why they've been so unlucky the last two years. In 2005, they finished four game under their expected won-lost record. Right now, they're five games below where they belong. The Indians are 29-46 in one run games in 2005 and 2006, the third worst record in the majors. Only Kansas City and Pittsburgh have worse winning percentages, and only the Pirates lost more games. Could it be dumb luck? Sure. But it will be worth re-evaluating the strategies used in those close contests.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:58 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

I'm hesitant about simply comparing RA-RF because games like the White Sox beating the Cardinals 20-6. Is a team that does that really that much better than a team that wins, say, 8 games in a row by two runs?

Posted by: Nick at June 23, 2006 09:43 PM
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