Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 23, 2006
Bonds Investigation?

If you're wondering if there is a grand jury investigating Barry Bonds, here's one more piece of the puzzle:

The San Jose Mercury News learned that Greg Anderson, Bonds' boyhood friend, spent an hour in the grand jury chambers in San Francisco accompanied by celebrity lawyer Mark Geragos. Anderson, who spent three months in prison for his role in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative drug scandal, had been subpoenaed to testify in an investigation of Bonds for perjury and tax evasion.

Geragos, the Los Angeles lawyer who defended Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson last year, declined to comment as he entered a courthouse elevator with Anderson. Chief BALCO prosecutor Jeffrey Nedrow also declined to speak when leaving the grand jury room.

Although the government has neither confirmed nor denied the existence of a grand jury investigation of Bonds, the appearance of Anderson and the BALCO prosecutors supports multiple sources' claims that a probe is under way.

I sometimes see comments wondering why Bonds hasn't been indicted if he did something wrong. Sometimes, it takes a while to build a case. If a prosecutor goes to trial, he wants to win.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:05 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Gee, what a client list. One of those guys is in jail, the other, um, got off, but his rreputation is so shattered he can't stay in the country. Can't Bonds get a different lawyer?

Posted by: rbj at June 23, 2006 01:57 PM

Is he Bonds' lawyer or Anderson's? If he's Anderson's guy, maybe he's finally going to throw Barry and his big head under the bus.

Posted by: Wallimooner at June 23, 2006 06:07 PM
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