Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 24, 2006
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Sensitivity

I'm not surprised Ozzie Guillen doesn't want to attend sensitivity training:

Guillen did not deny an story that quoted him doubting he would ever attend a major-league baseball mandated sensitivity class, instead calling the entire situation "uncomfortable" for him.

"I don't need this job," Guillen said. "I don't need to kiss anybody's butt.

"I apologized."

Guillen walked out of the press conference after answering a question about the Web site's story in which Guillen said he didn't know what a sensitivity course was about, and that he doubted he would ever attend one.

Later though, Guillen said through a team spokesman that he indeed would do whatever he is ordered to do, including the sensitivity training.

Ozzie can't say it himself. He can be blustery and macho in front of the press, but he has to send a spokesman to be submissive. I wonder how the sensitivity teacher is going to handle being told to @%$# off by Ozzie?

Meanwhile, the White Sox are being accused of stealing signs. And they offer evidence:

Signs were changed after the fifth inning, and the White Sox went four for 36 with one extra-base hit and one run after the switch.

This sounds more like La Russa being La Russa, looking for an external excuse to internal failure. I guess the Tigers were stealing signs last night, too.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:36 AM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)

The Guillen-Mariotti feud has been such a p.r. disaster that the White Sox only sold 37,700 tickets last night.

You can't go wrong ripping Mariotti. The man wins the Nobel for obnoxiousness every weekday on ESPN. The whole hoo-hah has probably been staged to goose attendance.

Just kidding...maybe.

Posted by: Casey Abell at June 24, 2006 02:59 PM

re; ozzie guillen

well, at least he didn't beat his wife.

this in no way condones his insensitive remarks towards the homosexual community.

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at June 24, 2006 05:45 PM

As a Cardinals fan I'm tired of LaRussa and wish he would go away. But, considering guys all over the league are ingesting and injecting stuff into their bodies when half the time they don't even know what it is-why is it ludicrous to accuse someone of stealing signs? Seems like small potatoes compared to other things that go on.

Posted by: andrew at June 25, 2006 01:24 AM

insensitive remarks towards the homo community, wow your pc. I can't see what he's done wrong.

Posted by: bar35 at June 25, 2006 02:55 AM

As for the sign-stealing, all you have to do is look at the game tape. The first 2 games the Cards were throwing everything over the middle-to-outer half of the plate. Of course they got rocked. The kid that threw the 1-hitter was busting the Sox inside all day, except the one mistake he got out over the plate to Thome.

Posted by: Token at June 25, 2006 01:48 PM
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