Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 24, 2006
Games of the Day

The Phillies and Red Sox offer the best pitching matchup of the day as Brett Myers faces former Phillie Curt Schilling. The arrest of Brett Myers and a National telecast just adds to the drama. How will Boston fans treat him? Well, these are the same fans who cheered Wade Boggs after it the Margo Adams affair, but my guess is they'll be brutal. Schilling, like Josh Beckett, has been nearly unhittable at Fenway this season. Curt's allowed a .226 BA in Boston this season. In addition, he's issued just one walk and no home runs.

Violent pitcher day continues as the Cardinals try to end their four game losing streak against Kenny Rogers. The lefty doesn't allow much power at Comerica as his slugging percentage allowed (.252) is lower than his OBA allowed (.255) at the park. Jeff Suppan takes the mould for the Cardinals. Suppan's been hammered on the road this season. His .652 slugging percentage away from home is the fourth highest in the majors this year among pitchers with 100 batters faced on the road.


Posted by David Pinto at 11:04 AM | Matchups | TrackBack (0)

Margo Adams was an affair and is totally different than a domestic assualt case. Boston fans are traditionally unforgiving to anyone who would slap their wife. Wil Cordero was run out of town back in the 90s and Jason Kidd of the New Jersey Nets is the most unpopular player in the city.

Posted by: Rusty at June 24, 2006 11:40 AM

Can you tell us if Cards J. Marquis' recent 14 earned runs in short outing is anywhere near a ML record. Connie Mack in the late 30s & on days was notorious for leaving pitchers in games to get hammered so that they had high ERA in salary discussions.

Posted by: Bob Shvodian at June 24, 2006 01:14 PM

That wasn't much of a reception in Boston. A few boos but it's a whole lot worse every time Damon, Jeter or A-Rod step to the plate.

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at June 24, 2006 01:45 PM

Fox doesn't have the best crowd mikes.

And by that, I mean to accuse them of intentionally lowering the volume when there's heavy booing B)

Has there ever been anyone like David Ortiz?

Posted by: Steve Brady at June 24, 2006 05:15 PM

re: Brett Myers take my wife please

Perhaps this reminds us that there are worse things in life than cheating on your wife, taking steroids or having your parking tickets fixed.

of course the folks at harvard medical school now assure us that the problem is not anger management but some type of "explosive disorder" that affects 5% of the population due to genes and environment.

whatever it is, it's not cool for some 6'5" pitcher to punch out a much smaller and defenseless woman in the face, let alone hit her at all, even if it's a domestic quarrel.

Margo Adams was a long time ago but there was never any evidence that Wade Boggs was a wife beater. There was however allegations by Cindy Garvey that Steve Garvey beat his wife during the marriange, which pretty much ruined his planned political career.

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at June 24, 2006 05:24 PM

re: the Bosox beat the Phils 5-3 on Big Papi's HR bottom of the 10th

the game lives up to its billing as the phils and bosox play a tense 3-3 game into the 10th. Tom Gordon comes into the game to try and win it as a tie on the road but Big Papi proves to much for him and crushes a game winning 2R HR to CF to win it for the beaneaters in the bottom of the 10th. Ryan Howard had 2 doubles for the Phils and Myers appears to pitcher better when he's in the focus of a storm. Guess that makes him a candidate to be a stopper. He pitched well enough to win but Schilling matched him pitch for pitch. A fine ball game, but the Red Sox win these kind of games and well, the Phils lose them.

As the Phillies slip further and further below .500 as the all-star break approaches, it has to be wondered whether Charlie Manuel's job is in danger now or at the end of the season.

While Randy Wolf is supposed to come back, and Ryan Madsen and Gavin Floyd have been complete disasters as replacements for Wolf and Padilla, the phils have had plenty of offense and manuel left Madsen and Floyd out there too long.

He also made the decision not to use Ryan Franklin, a vet, as a starter. That was a bad decision in retrospect.

Trading padilla was also a bad move in retrospect.

Right now they should stand pat and/or trade an established player for prospects such as Abreu, who at 32 is in his decline phase but is highly coveted by the Yanks and other teams in the hunt, for pitching and prospects.

The Phils have Shane Victorino and Dave Delucci, who can easily either platoon or have Victorino play fulltime with Delucci backing up and dhing, or vice-versa. In any event, the Phils have enough outfield depth and with the emergence of Utley and Howard, and the re-establishment of Burrell, along with Rowand's established 20HR/800 ops, enough power to get along without Abreu. They will miss his OBA but Victorino has a .400 OBA to put 2d in the order ahead of a new Batting Order that could look like this:

Victorino -rf switch hitter
Rollins -ss switch hitter
Ryan Howard -1b left handed power
Pat Burrel - lf Right Handed power
Chase Utley -2b Left Handed Power
Aaron Rowand - cf - Right Handed Power
David Bell - 3b
Liberthal - c

The advantages of this lineup over the old one are immediately apparent. Victorino is younger, cheaper and a better defensive right fielder. Rowand is a good centerfielder. The entire team is now under 30 except for Bell & Lieberthal, who should be replaced by farm developed talent or prospects in a trade.

The Pitching should be developed from the young arms they have. Cole Hamels, Brett Meyers, etc. Madsen and Floyd can pitch relief if they can't start.
The Phils should try and obtain a young arm, like Josh Beckett, not an old one. They need a Dontrelle Willis. if they are going to seek anything. Unfortunately, they had what they needed in Padilla.

Randy Wolf if he comes back is a solution to a problem.

Jon Lieber & Cory Lidle are replacement level at best.
They do give the team a chance to win, but they're not really good enough.

Those are the thoughts right now

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: arthur john kyriazis at June 24, 2006 05:43 PM

Hey, saw back in March that you had some Deadspin invites... being a sports ADDICT, if you have any left, I'd love to have one.

Posted by: Zac at June 24, 2006 06:09 PM

whats your take on the KC trade of Howell for Gathright?

Posted by: bob at June 24, 2006 08:30 PM


My feeling is that neither of these is great players, but the Devil Rays have more upside in Howell since he's a good strikeout pitcher. Since the Royals are making the trade to improve their defense, fine, but Gathright never showed major league offensive ability.

Posted by: David Pinto at June 24, 2006 09:14 PM
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