Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 25, 2006
The Wisdom of Rocker

John Rocker sets the record straight on sensitivity training:

When Rocker was ordered to attend similar training after the former Braves reliever made offensive remarks in a Sports Illustrated story published in 1999, he left shortly after showing up, he told the Chicago Tribune.

"The guy told me when I got there I had to show up to make it look good for people, so after about 15 minutes I left and walked right out of the room and it satisfied the powers that be," Rocker told the newspaper.

And as far as fines go:

"It was a farce, a way for the scared little man, Bud Selig, to get people off his [backside]," Rocker, speaking to the Tribune, said of the sensitivity training.

He also told the newspaper that he didn't pay any of the fine levied against him by Selig. Rocker was fined $20,000 for his comments, but that was reduced to $500 after appeal.

"I never paid a cent, a lot of players never pay a cent," Rocker told the newspaper. "It's just a front to look good and the way Selig cowers to pressure."

Good to see MLB does such a good job of enforcing discipline.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:02 PM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)

I don't have much to say other than Rocker is a jack ass.

Posted by: Davis at June 26, 2006 01:42 AM

I don't have much to say other than Rocker is a jack ass.

Posted by: Davis at June 26, 2006 01:43 AM

Players don't pay their fines? And MLB does nothing about it? Maybe Rocker is just a blowhard and that is not true. But if it is true, then it would mean MLB isn't serious about enforcing its rules.

Posted by: CL Johnson at June 26, 2006 09:35 AM

The funny thing is, Rocker would never notice $500 missig from his check, and I'm sure he didn't.

Posted by: Al at June 27, 2006 02:07 PM
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