Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
August 18, 2006
Sometimes I Just Shake My Head

I don't know who's the bigger jerk, the person who brought the lawsuit or the judge who didn't throw it out:

A judge refused Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit that claimed the Angels discriminated against men by giving tote bags to only women during a Mother's Day baseball game.

Instead, Orange County Superior Court Judge Jonathan Cannon set a procedural hearing for Aug. 30.

The lawsuit, filed by Los Angeles psychologist Michael Cohn, claims thousands of men and fans under age 18 are each entitled to $4,000 in damages because they were treated unfairly during last May's promotion. Women over 18 received the gifts.

Yes, I'm sure thousands of men are walking around the great Anaheim area, despondent over the fact that they can't show off their Mother's Day tote bag. I'm sure Monday morning after the game grown men were crying to their co-workers, "My 21 year old daughter gets a tote bag, and I'm not even a grand father yet! It's just not fair!"

As it turns out, the Angels already made it up to him:

To celebrate Mother's Day last year, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim gave away specially designed tote bags to all female fans over the age of 18. Cohn felt discriminated against, and wrote a letter of complaint.

In response, the Angels sent him an apology and 4 tote bags.

Judges really shouldn't be encouraging people like this.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:18 AM | Mechandising | TrackBack (0)

I don't think its bad that the judge didn't dismiss. You don't dismiss lawsuits just because its a poor theory. To dismiss on a motion to dismiss, you need to show that there is no legally viable claim. Refusing to give a bunch of products to men could be legally viable. That is a factual issue which you don't decide on a motion to dismiss.

Let me give you a simple example. In the movie "Supersize Me," much is made of the fact that a judge didn't dismiss a lawsuit when people ate way too much and sued McDonalds. At that stage, however, the judge was required to take everything as true according to the Plaintiffs. If, in fact, McDonalds had hidden informaiton about nutrituion which caused people to eat more and get fat, then McDonald's would have to pay.

However, later on, the judge can examine the facts. In that McDonald's case, the judge decided that there is no way McDonald's is a fault: the Plaintiffs could not show that McDonald's was the sole cause of their fatness. This happened before trial.

So this is just a nice story to show you that what happens in a motion to dismiss doesn't mean the case won't turn out differently later on. The judge has to follow the law, especially at the stage of the case a motion is brought.


Tribe Fan

PS- I was also the guy who said the Indians wouldn't bring up Marte until around August when his Super 3 (or whatever) rights would be lost. Seems that is what they did, isn't it?

Posted by: Tribe Fan at August 18, 2006 09:45 AM

yay. lawyers ruining my favorite baseball site.

Posted by: Morisseau at August 18, 2006 11:11 AM

that must be some tote bag if it's worth $4,000 dollars!!! where can i get one?

Posted by: BenJah at August 18, 2006 12:20 PM

Clearly the jerk is the judge. He should know better. The guy bringing to the lawsuit is some joker that wants to make money the easy way.

Posted by: Mike at August 18, 2006 05:14 PM

yeh, i'm sure all these men want to walk around with pink frilly bags. just like they wearing all this pink lacy mlb team gear

and this cohn guy is a psychologist? oh mi GAWD

Posted by: lisa gray at August 19, 2006 10:57 PM

re: ridiculous law suite

Dear Dave:

I could not agree with you more. Not only do stupid lawsuits like this give lawyers and the legal system a bad name, but it's pretty obvious this moron was sleeping the day the preacher read the ten commandments in church especially the part about "honor thy mother and father". All the angels were trying to do was honor the special role that women play in our society as mothers and to encourage them to come to the ballpark by offering them handbags.

after all, most women do not follow baseball and consider it an adolescent hangover of otherwise adult men.

This is a perfect example of not being able to do a good deed without being punished.

This is one lawsuit that I hope the right wing tears apart. They would be justified in this instance.

--art kyriazis philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at August 24, 2006 02:29 PM
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