Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
August 25, 2006
Sixteen Homers in 35 Games

After hitting his 46th homer of the season last night, David Ortiz needs sixteen more in the Red Sox last 35 games to top Roger Maris' American League record. Can he do it? The most he's ever hit in a month was the 14 he socked this July. Five other times he's hit 10 or 11. So if he has a really good last week of August, he'll be in line for the record.

Based on games played and home runs hit, he's on a pace right now for 59. It's not hard to believe he might find a couple of more in there.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:50 PM | Records | TrackBack (0)

He better hope Manny stays in the lineup or no one will pitch to Ortiz

Posted by: Basura at August 25, 2006 02:09 PM

It would be awesome to see that...but I'd like to see Manny or Travis Hafner win the MVP, and that would be next to impossible if Ortiz breaks that record.

Posted by: Devon at August 25, 2006 05:01 PM

I'll give you my first-born and/or my soul to lose the text-link ads.

I understand why you need them; they're just annoying.

So that's my offer.

Posted by: Sam at August 25, 2006 07:24 PM

Yeah those text link ads are very annoying. Ortiz will have a hard time winning the MVP unfortunately because the writers will give it to a Yankee. Probably Jeter. Ortiz is certainly more deserving and so is Manny for that matter but if they do not win the AL East which seems impossible at this point, it will give the writers yet another lame excuse to give it to a Yankee.

Posted by: emains at August 25, 2006 08:09 PM

Big Papi spend a night in the hospital with an iregular heart beat which is a symptom of both steroid abuse and anphetamine abuse. I am just wondering outload why no one anywhere that I can find has even asked the question if this could be the cause of both his heart problem and his approaching 60 HRs in a single season?

Posted by: GiantsRainman at August 25, 2006 08:57 PM

I mean didn't we learn anything from not asking these questions in the past? Are we all so willing to put our blinders on again because we just don't want to know?

Posted by: GiantsRainman at August 25, 2006 09:01 PM

Umm...I don't think a heart palpatation qualifies as evidence of steroid use. Lots of people get them. As for the greenies, remember they were legal until this they have residual effects? Further, given Ortiz's last 03-05 (31, 41, 47) I don't understand how another increase indicates anything but talent. I made this argument a long time ago somewhere else...Ortiz has followed a very bizarre career curve, fairly different from anyone before him. I don't know where to see projections, but I'm curious about whether a, say, 55 homer season is an outlier for him.

Posted by: the other josh at August 26, 2006 12:22 AM


People don't like to have their heroes torn down. So you can't look at Dye's numbers, or Papi's numbers, or Pujols numbers and think steroids. Others, however, will retroactively look at McGwire and Bonds and Sosa and say, "How could we not have known?"

Posted by: David Pinto at August 26, 2006 07:56 AM
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