Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 14, 2006
Gonzo's Status

The Diamondbacks sit down with Luis Gonzalez today to discuss his future with the team:

"It's important that we sit down and see where everybody is at," Byrnes said. "We might already know what their position is - and we might not - but we'll get together and have a meeting of the minds and talk about things."

Today is expected to mark the first time the Diamondbacks officially inform Gonzalez, 39, they are not planning to exercise their $10 million club option on him for next season. Byrnes isn't likely to let Gonzalez twist in the wind, however.

Because of Gonzalez's successful eight-year tenure and his second-half surge since the All-Star break, it is believed the team will consider bringing him back for another season, possibly two, but only for a much more affordable price than the $11.5 million he is making now.

That could be anywhere from $3 million to $5 million.

Gonzalez's seasonal age will be 39 next season. He's declined from his peak, and his numbers aren't bad, they're just not great anymore. His peak and decline came much later than most players, so he's likely to be productive next year, more productive than Bernie Williams, I'd bet. I wouldn't be surprised if the Diamondbacks offered him a deal like that.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:24 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)
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