Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 29, 2006
Backing Out

Randy Johnson's back is out:

Yankees lefty Randy Johnson has a herniated disc in his lower back, an injury that could prevent him from pitching in the playoffs next week.

The injury was discovered during an MRI exam Thursday. After being examined by team physician Dr. Stuart Hershon and back specialist Dr. Paul Kuflick, Johnson received an epidural injection Friday.

"Hopefully that will ease the discomfort," New York manager Joe Torre said. "If it doesn't ease the discomfort, I'm not sure he's going to be able to pitch. But we don't expect that to be the case."

A healthy Wang, Johnson and Mussina can hold opponents' runs low enough to give the Yankees excellent offense a chance to win. In a five game series, you could see the Yankees find three wins in four starts by that trio. In a seven game series, with those three starting six of the games, you could see the Yankees winning four. But with just Wang and Mussina? Lidle and Wright are iffy at best. The Yankees road to the World Championship just got tougher.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:15 PM | Injuries | TrackBack (0)

Maybe Minnesota will now hope they can play the Yankees in the first round instead of the A's!

Posted by: mark at September 29, 2006 08:05 PM

well they got no pitching or defense so can they win with a heavy hitting lineup?

Posted by: lisa gray at September 30, 2006 02:15 AM

I wasn't counting on him anyway, and am just as glad he's backing out now rather than waiting til he took the
mound as David Wells did in the 2003 post season. Johnson flopped in the post season last year, has long had the gruesome injuries we've constantly been reminded of, spasms, drained, not drained, etc. Now that he's got all the money, he's felt free to advise us we shouldn't count on him too much as he's an old guy. Thanks a bunch---see ya.

Posted by: susan mullen at September 30, 2006 02:18 AM
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