Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 10, 2006
Torre to Stay

Ben Kabak links to a New York Post story that Torre will stay. From the article:

By the time Torre meets with the press at 1 p.m. today at Yankee Stadium he will have been assured he will be coming back for his 12th season as Yankees manager.

While Steinbrenner left Manhattan for Tampa yesterday afternoon, general partner Steve Swindal, Steinbrenner's son-in-law, is in New York today. It's believed Swindal and Torre, who have a solid relationship after negotiating Torre's latest contract, will meet in the morning.

"It looks good for Joe,'' a source said.

It must be tough to own a story and get it wrong.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:26 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

Given the capriciousness of The Boss there's really no reason to think the Daily News had it wrong. They may well have been right that Steinbrenner wanted Torre gone immediately after the game; it may also be true that time will save Torre's job. I submit that Madden's track record is a lot better than the Post's.

Posted by: Tim at October 10, 2006 12:40 PM

Maybe so Tim, but nonetheless, as far as the media is concerned, NY Daily News = pwn3d.

The NY Post has to be loving this, and will probably make it a point to stick it to the Daily News, considering they got burnt so badly on the whole "Gephardt is Kerry's running mate!" story that blew up in their faces.

Posted by: Jeff B. at October 10, 2006 01:04 PM

Francesa got confirmation from the stadium that Torre will be back (1:08PM). The event cannot be broadcast on radio or tv, so Mike is relaying updates. Torre spoke to George yesterday but didn't receive an invite back. The work of son in law Steve Swindal is said to have weighed
greatly in Joe's favor. Madden's earlier report about Joe
being gone might've panned out if it were the Steinbrenner of old. Key was George leaving town without having fired Joe. The story that George knocked Sheffield
was news to me--the media had focused on Sheffield's remarks which came after George's.

Posted by: susan mullen at October 10, 2006 01:21 PM

It is official, Big Stein is dead.

Posted by: abe at October 10, 2006 02:20 PM

With or without JT, the Yanks won't win again until they decide to move A-Rod to SS where he belongs, and make pretty-boy ugly-glove Jeter move to 2nd.

Say it with me: "...past a diving Jeter..."


Posted by: Mark at October 10, 2006 02:59 PM

Given Madden's closeness with the Boss and the organization, his story might have also been a trial balloon. It's done in politics, so why not in sports? The News really doesn't come out of this any worse for the wear, anyhow. Nobody remembers yesterday's paper.

Posted by: Tim at October 10, 2006 03:18 PM
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