Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 10, 2006
Torre Stays On

The Big Lead has the story. Here's more at

Torre spoke with Steinbrenner on the telephone Tuesday, shortly before he walked into the interview room at Yankee Stadium and made the announcement. "He gave me his support," Torre said. "I'm just pleased I'm able to stay on and do this."

The two also spoke on Monday.

"I talked to George yesterday for probably 15, 20 minutes, and we discussed a lot of things: the team, what we do from here and things like that," Torre said.

During the season I thought this was one of Torre's better jobs. He kept an injured team together until Cashman could find the replacement parts. He didn't deserve to be fired for bad luck in the ALDS. Maybe there are other reasons he should go, but I'm glad that others in the Yankees organization were able to cool off Steinbrenner's emotional reaction.

Posted by David Pinto at 02:37 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

I fear this will still end ugly.

Joe Torre

Posted by: Fake Teams at October 10, 2006 06:19 PM

So, does this mean (despite Cashman's recent statement) Arod is clearly gone?

After the SI article and the lineup shenanigans, it seems like it is a foregone conclusion...

Posted by: John at October 10, 2006 07:18 PM

The Yankees have bigger problems than Torre and they recognized that. Who were you gonna hand the reigns over to, Pinella? The media wanted Pinella more than Stenbrenner seemed to. "Its the pitching Stupid!" This where you will see the moves. My bet is almost everyone stays and they still add people. AROD stays. It would be so moronic to get rid of him. the fact is, more people need to step up and Jeter needs to stop being a prima donna and have a sit down with AROD, tell him he's behind him 100 percent. When Torre finally retires, Larry Bowa will be ready to take over. Wishful thinking.

Posted by: Jason McAdams at October 10, 2006 08:12 PM
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