Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 17, 2006
Lyons Stays off the Dole

Steve Lyons gets to keep his job with the Dodgers:

Steve Lyons, fired by Fox for on-air comments the network deemed inappropriate, will keep his job as a part-time television commentator for the Dodgers.

The team, in a statement issued Monday, said Lyons would undergo diversity training and that he was given probationary guidelines.

Steve probably learned his lesson more from this, however:

It's believed Lyons was making about $500,000 a year from Fox and the Dodgers, with about three-fourths of that from Fox.

"I'm taking a big financial hit," Lyons said, "but I'm thrilled and proud to continue as a voice of the Dodgers."

Maybe they should include in the diversity training how running off at the mouth can cost you $375,000.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:21 AM | Broadcasts | TrackBack (0)

They pay him to make stupid comments. He made a stupid comment. They fire him. I don't know how he comes out of this colored as a racist. Moron? Sure, but that's it. It's what broadcasting is these days.

Posted by: abe at October 17, 2006 11:06 AM

"Diversity Training" ... if anyone watches The Office, Steve Carell says harsher things than Steve Lyons. Quite funny.

I hope Fox loses alot of ratings due to this stupid firing. Lyons was a pretty funny guy and a great commentator who knew his baseball... unlike John Madden who keeps telling us what we already know in a 10 year olds language.

Posted by: Jae at October 17, 2006 10:52 PM
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