Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 17, 2006
Pena for Girardi

Ben Kabak looks at the possibility that Tony Pena moves to Washington to take over the Nationals while Joe Girardi becomes bench coach and heir apparent to Joe Torre in New York.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:37 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

That would be a great move for Joe Girardi. Joe Torre won't be around forever and it would be a perfect fit for Girardi to manage the Yankees.

Posted by: NewEngland SportsGuy at October 17, 2006 12:21 PM

Why would Girardi be the perfect fit? I like him, but he's inexperienced, and just worked a pressure free market. Anyone foolish enough to publicly rebuke the man that signs his paycheck is not ready for the big time. After decade of experience Tony La Russa still looks silly with his childish answers, Joe is ready to handle the Bronx Zoo after 1 season in FLA? Love the guy, but no.

Posted by: abe at October 17, 2006 12:55 PM

I'm biased, since as a Nationals fan I'd prefer Girardi to come to Washington, but I have to agree. I see people floating Girardi's name as a possible manager for the Athletics and I have to laugh - you think a guy who had problems with Loria and Beinfest's on-field interefence would appreciate the Billy Beane approach to management? - and the same principle applies to Steinbrenner and the Yanks.

Moreover, the team itself seems like a questionable match for Girardi's reputed talents. This is a guy whose strength supposedly lies in getting the best out of young & inexperienced players, a guy who is known for running a tight, disciplined ship. I can't think of a personality or skillset less suited to the Yankees' congeries of superstars, egotistical vets-on-the-downslope, and journeymen-of-the-month.

Can somebody more familiar with Pena - Mr. Kabak perhaps? - tell me why Nationals fans shouldn't be dismayed at the prospect of him taking over as skipper? Isn't this the man who essentially quit on the Royals last season? I realize that it's the Royals we're talking about, but still, that sort of attitude doesn't bode well for a manager's ability to deal with frustration...and the Nats are going to be a frustrating team for awhile to come.

Posted by: Jeff B. at October 17, 2006 03:02 PM

i dont understand the infatuation with joe girardi. he didnt have much to do with the marlins success this year. as a marlin fan i saw them play more than most that dont live in the area, hes a horrible in-game manager, bunting with dan uggla and josh willingham in the first inning, just unexcuseable things. the marlins were good this year because they had great pitching and they hit more homruns this year than any other marlin team ever and girardi has nothing to do with that.

Posted by: ryan at October 17, 2006 03:42 PM
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