Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 17, 2006
So Urgent

Lou Piniella officially took over the Cubs today:

"Urgency is important," said Piniella, who was introduced today as the team's latest manager. "We're going to win here, and that's the end of the story."

Piniella agreed Monday to a three-year contract worth nearly $10 million, with an option for a fourth year.

"I'm just a little piece of the puzzle. My job is to come in here and unite this team," he said at a news conference.

Piniella said he was assured by general manager Jim Hendry that the Cubs would make moves necessary to improve the team. He brushed off a report that he wanted the Cubs to acquire embattled Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, saying there hadn't been "any discussions about A-Rod." Piniella was Rodriguez's first manager, with the Seattle Mariners in the mid-1990s.

I assume, however, Piniella and Hendry discussed the kinds of players they'd like to acquire. It will be interesting to watch as the two make moves this off season.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:34 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

David, just touching on the topic of Arod in windy city with sweet lou. Arod will stay in New York. We know that he has nothing to prove to the world...

He does have his competitive nature and will sweep the awards for 2007. he'll stay in New York for him and his pride. Geoffrey Gonzalez

Posted by: 1-800-BEISBOL at October 17, 2006 10:58 PM
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