Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 17, 2006
Piniella Not Offended

Lou Piniella stuck up for Steve Lyons today:

New Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella called the firing of Fox baseball broadcaster Steve Lyons "an unfortunate thing" and said he thought his TV colleague was just kidding when he made a racially insensitive comment.

"There isn't a racist bone in his body. Not one," Piniella said Tuesday. "I've known the guy personally. He was kidding with me, nothing more and nothing less. It was an unfortunate thing."

I agree with some of the comments made to this post and this post, that the firing was more Fox looking to get rid of a poor broadcaster and using this as an excuse.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:19 PM | Broadcasts | TrackBack (0)

Good for Piniella. It's a pretty low move for FOX to falsely accuse Lyons of making racist remarks -- much better to say he wasn't very good at his job. That would have been more honest, wouldn't have slapped a label on Lyons that he didn't deserve, and wouldn't have done a disservice to folks who have legitimate complaints relating to racial intolerance.

Posted by: Geoff Young at October 18, 2006 09:47 AM
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