Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 23, 2006
Extra Grip

Jon Heyman at talks to an unnamed bullpen coach about Kenny Rogers. The coach gives a symposium on what pitchers use to get a better grip, including pine tar:

"It was pine tar. It couldn't be anything else. Pitchers use pine tar, shaving cream and suntan lotion. Pitchers use them to help them grip the ball and make the ball move more. Bullpen guys sometimes keep suntan lotion in the ball bags. It's not for a tan. Pine tar works the best. It's been around the longest. But lately, more and more guys are using shaving cream and suntan lotion. There's no chance to be caught with shaving cream or suntan lotion.

"I don't know Kenny Rogers, but I'm guessing he had to use pine tar because it was so cold. He probably usually uses shaving cream or suntan lotion because they blend in. A lot of guys use shaving cream or suntan lotion, or both, because there's no way you could detect them. But it was so cold in Detroit. You need moisture or sweat to make the shaving cream or suntan lotion work, so it was probably too cold to use shaving cream or suntan lotion."

The coach also voice a theory that crossed my mind today on why La Russa wasn't more vigorous in going after Rogers:

"I bet Tony La Russa's pitchers are mad at him for saying anything, because a lot of guys do it, and I'd be surprise if there's a whole staff of guys who don't do it. In fact, I'd say a majority of guys use one of the three -- shaving cream, suntan lotion or pine tar. They can't like him ratting out the other team when everyone does it. Maybe he had to say something because it's the World Series, it's on TV and he probably has to answer to his owner.

"But you'll notice he didn't continue to talk about it, and he instructed his guys not to talk about it. They probably have no interest in catching Rogers because if they do then the umpire is looking at everyone.''

It seems like a quote from The Sting is appropriate.

Floyd: Doyle, I KNOW I gave him four THREES. He had to make a SWITCH. We can't let him get away with that.

Doyle Lonnegan: What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?

Posted by David Pinto at 07:46 PM | World Series | TrackBack (0)

re: Kenny Rogers and the shineball

Tony LaRussa would indeed have a lot of nerve to go after a pitcher for cheating, given the fact that LaRussa won his only world series title with a steroids infected locker room of jose conseco and mark mcgwire in 1989 and two more pennants with the same group. Is it possible Dave "Smoke" Stewart or Dennis Eckersley found more steam on their fastball from steroids?

Likewise, McGwire may have been on the roids in 98 when he broke the home run record for LaRussa.

LaRussa has not exactly run a clean clubhouse free of cheating.

I agree with the webmaster--what was larussa supposed to do, call Rogers for cheating better than him?

the list of modern pitchers who have used a spitter, shine ball, dirt ball or vaseline ball is extensive, and includes many hall of famers, including Jim Bunning, Don Drysdale, Don Sutton, modernly Kevin Gross (who got caught with an emery board), Preacher Roe and many others.

C.F. Neyer and James recent book bill james guide to pitchers. extremely thorough documentation on modern spitballers.

Using the spitball, in the modern context, is a lot less serious than using steroids to pump up your fastball by 10 mph.

At least it's a recognized pitch and requires some skill to throw the thing and get away with it.

It doesn't take any skill to cork a bat or swallow human growth hormone or bend over for a needle.

Larussa should keep his mouth shut. his teams have done more to destroy the sport's integrity than the chicago black sox and pete rose combined.

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at October 23, 2006 09:01 PM

quit whining he knows how to pitch

Posted by: mikey at October 23, 2006 11:23 PM

La Russa speaks...

Posted by: the other josh at October 24, 2006 12:02 AM

I think in this case, he would be calling him out for being absolutely horrible at cheating. He was caught, on television, with a 3" smear of crap on his hand. No one would consider that "cheating better than" anyone.

Trying to excuse this by saying "the cardinals pitchers might have been doing it too" is dishonest. Unless he has a video with pictures of something smeared on Adam Wainright's hand, "this unnamed coach" needs to issue an apology.

Posted by: sleepyca at October 24, 2006 12:37 AM

Lest we not forget the Tigers' very own Brian "Scuffy" Moehler who was caught cheating a few years back? Perhaps it runs in the organization?

Posted by: dan at October 24, 2006 02:05 AM

Yes, Dan, I'm sure that's it. (Now where did I put my rolly-eyes icon?)

Posted by: jmd at October 24, 2006 05:50 AM

TLR put it in the simplest terms anyone can, so I'm not sure why people are still making a big fuss out of this. It was clearly obvious something was there, so TLR wanted it cleaned up, or he was going to undress him on the mound. Is this not clear?

- "I said, 'I don't like this stuff, let's get it fixed.' If it gets fixed let's play the game. It got fixed, in my opinion," he said.

- "If he didn't get rid of it, I would have challenged it. But I do think it's a little bit part of the game at times and don't go crazy," he said.

TLR knows how the game is played, and knows that sometimes pitchers, especially older pitchers who rely on movement and putting the ball in a specific location, break the rules. He also knows calling for Kenny to be undressed on the mound would have caused a lot of problems. TLR's biggest problem seems to be that he was blatantly cheating, not that he was cheating.

To say it runs in the organization is stupid. This is common place in the game of baseball. The only difference, really, is that most pitchers are a lot smarter about it.

Posted by: Bryan at October 24, 2006 06:54 AM

Also, this whole fiasco wouldn't be complete without a quote from Gaylord Perry...

- "He did his thing," Perry said. "He got all the Cardinals thinking he was doing something with the ball. That's half the game right there."

If this is what everyone needs to try and make this series interesting, so be it. But my god this is getting overblown.

Posted by: Bryan at October 24, 2006 06:59 AM
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