Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 24, 2006
No Joe in D.C.

Joe Girardi withdrew his name from the Washington Nationals' manager pool:

Former Florida Marlins manager Joe Girardi, considered for weeks the favorite to become the next manager of the Washington Nationals, took his name out of consideration for the job yesterday, saying it was a decision based on keeping his young family together but simultaneously saying he could still end up on a baseball field next season.

Girardi had two meetings over the last three weeks, one with General Manager Jim Bowden and the other with Bowden and team president Stan Kasten. Girardi said the talks went well and that the decision to pull out was "very, very difficult."

I hoped Girardi took this job so he could manage against the Marlins next year. My guess is that Joe's been away from his family for a long time, between playing, coaching, broadcasting and managing. If someone is going to pull him away from that, it's going to need to be the perfect job or a whole lot of money. After all, he's getting paid to sit on his behind for the next two years, why not enjoy the new baby and the best Miami has to offer?

Posted by David Pinto at 10:18 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

My guess is he is waiting one more year to see if the Yankees job comes open.

Posted by: John N. at October 24, 2006 12:57 PM

Girardi managing the Yanks? No way would Steinbrenner bring him in--not until he's amassed a bit of a track record as a manager. Torre will not be easy to replace.

Posted by: Sam Stevens at October 24, 2006 01:56 PM

hey if someone would pay me 1.5 mill to sit home and raise my kidsss i'd sure be up for it.

so would my husband

so would a WHOLE lot of dads

AND if it is because he really wants to manage the yanks after this year, well, he best enjoy his kids for a little while before he starts with te high blood and ulcers from the NY media

Posted by: lisa gray at October 24, 2006 02:09 PM

Tampa isn't far from Miami...and that would be a similar situation to the Marlins this year. It could work for him and Tampa. But of course, Tampa never goes out and makes smart decisions.

Posted by: Devon at October 24, 2006 02:26 PM
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