Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 24, 2006
Top of the Ninth

Branden Looper faces Omar Infante to start the ninth.

Update: Omar grounds out to third, two outs to go.

Update: Granderson flies out to left. The Cardinals need one more out for a 2-1 series lead.

Update: Monroe grounds out to third and the Cardinals win their first home game in the World Series since 1987.

The Tigers didn't do anything to make Carpenter work. He threw only 82 pitches in 8 innings. Even after his thumb cramped, Detroit didn't try to take many pitches. Carpenter takes advantage of their aggressiveness, throwing strikes and shutting out the Tigers for eight innings. The Cardinals keep the home field advantage.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:34 PM | World Series | TrackBack (0)

Cardinals pitcher Jeff Suppan is in an ad said to run tomorrow night in response to the Michael J. Fox political ad (about a Missouri ballot issue). The video of it is now on You Tube.

Posted by: susan mullen at October 24, 2006 11:45 PM

I sometimes wish baseball players would leave their politics at the door and let the rest of the nation deal with partisan bickering. But I guess they're people too and many of them vote. Here's the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article on the issue complete with a lovely quote from the ever-sensitive Rush Limbaugh.

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at October 25, 2006 12:33 AM

That link didn't work...anyone have anything on this?

Posted by: the other josh at October 25, 2006 01:23 AM

I have the link to You Tube on my site.

Posted by: susan mullen at October 25, 2006 02:23 AM

The Suppan ad is just in response to one made by Michael J. Fox.
If actors can get involved with politics, why shouldn't athletes be allowed to do so as well?

Posted by: Art Howe at October 25, 2006 07:19 AM

Ummm, well Michael J Fox isn't really an actor anymore. The debilitating disease he is battling has prevented that. And his ad is specifically related to his disease and its potential cures/new treatments. I would guess Suppan isn't going to claim that stem-cell research would make him a worse ballplayer.
But this is about baseball, not politics, right?

Posted by: david at October 25, 2006 09:50 AM

re: suppan & politics, the cards winning game three

(1) on suppan & politics, actors should act, ballplayers should play ball, and neither should open their mouth on the issues of the day, unless it's to help the less well off or to visit sick kids in the hospital, something that guys like babe ruth and many modern players understand quite well. No one gives a hoot what an entertainer or a ball player thinks about politics or foreign affairs, but we do like to see them helping the poor victims of hurricane katrina.

(2) the cards take game three surprisingly easily. The tigers again face a do or die in game four, but come back with Bonderman against Suppan, in what will probably be the best pitchers matchup of the series. I like the tigers to win and get to suppan this time.

(3) as in 1934 and 1968, one has to think this series is fated to go seven games. Every jim leyland series does seem to go seven games.

art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at October 25, 2006 09:52 AM

AH: I feel that Fox, as someone who suffers from a disease that might benefit from stem cell research, has a legitimate claim to staking out this issue. Does Jeff Suppan have anything to do with it? Does he even live in Missouri in the off-season?

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at October 25, 2006 11:21 AM
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