Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 25, 2006
Surgery for Liriano?

Aaron Gleeman notes that Francisco Liriano is headed for Tommy John surgery, and wonders why it wasn't done sooner.

I realize surgery is always the last resort, but injuries like Liriano's simply don't heal on their own. Had Liriano gone under the knife when it became an option, he'd be over a month into his recovery and on track to pitch in the second half. Now, even if he elects to have the same surgery, he'll have to make quick progress to pitch at all in 2007. Of course, in the grand scheme of things 2007 matters little, but that's why the Twins should have taken the long-term approach with Liriano the entire time.

Regardless of how many times the Twins stick Liriano back on the mound after a little time off, this is not something that figures to go away. Rather than risk further damage by gambling on a non-surgical option, I think it's time to put aside any thoughts of Liriano being a part of the 2007 team and do what's best for his long-term career. As counter-intuitive as it may seem, evidence suggests that Tommy John surgery is as close to a speed bump on the road to greatness as you'll get in a situation like this.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:16 AM | Injuries | TrackBack (0)

re: liriano

liriano was easily the 2d best, and maybe at times, the best pitcher in the twins starting rotation and a big factor in leading them to the division title.

tommy john surgery may or may not allow him to continue throwing his devastating slider or change as both pitches stress the elbow.

nonetheless, randy wolf has come back from this surgery and he loooks pretty much like he used to.

liriano should get the surgery, rehab and come back slowly but surely.

the twins can live in 2007 without him and plan aroung 2008 for his return. there are veterans they can sign to fill his hole in the rotation for a year or two.

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at October 25, 2006 09:45 AM

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that doctors probably know more about Liriano's elbow than Aaron Gleeman.

Surgery is always the last resort, as he notes. And for good reason: While it's nice for someone else with no involvement wants you to go under the knife, there's that whole, "you can die in surgery" issue. And there's no guarantee that it will fix his problem either.

Posted by: steve at October 25, 2006 10:41 AM

$5 says Liriano has TJ. Was it the right decision to wait? Absolutely.

I've been under the knife for major ligament repair and it SUCKS. Anything to avoid that. And frankly, even if Liriano did make it back for the second half, recent history indicates that he would be pretty awful for up to 6 months after his return to baseball.

Posted by: Justin Landon, 100% Awesome at October 25, 2006 10:57 AM

As a physician, surgery is always a last option for something like this when there is a possibility that nonsurgical therapies could help. Surgery is final. You can't undo it. So long as there is no danger of worsening the injury by waiting, it never hurts to try more conservative therapies first.

Posted by: md at October 25, 2006 11:09 AM

If Lirianon needs TJ surgery, having it now or a month ago matters very little WRT pitching in 2007. If he's lucky, he'll get to pitch in the AFL in 07. Then he'll be ready for 2008.
No need to rush him back and possibly blow his arm out.

Posted by: rbj at October 25, 2006 02:26 PM
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