Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 26, 2006
Weather Report

I'm watching the Weather Channel this morning, and they are predicting rain tonight and tomorrow in St. Louis and rain Saturday in Detroit. MLB may be better off waiting to play games on Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis, then heading back to Detroit if needed on Monday and Tuesday. It would also give them the chance to test the new middle of the series on the weekend format that goes into effect next season.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:38 AM | World Series | TrackBack (0)

I have to think that FOX is running this show, and the network would not look kindly on postponing its heavily-hyped season premieres next Monday ("Prison Break," "Justice") and Tuesday ("House"). That's why FOX buys baseball, after all -- as a promotional vehicle for its non-sports programming.

If it keeps raining, they may not have any choice -- but I'm sure there's an empty suit at FOX who's dreaming up bizarre scenarios like day-night doubleheaders or moving the whole series to a neutral-site domed stadium, in order to finish this puppy by Monday morning.

They also have to avoid their NFL window, Sunday 1-7:30 pm Eastern time. Otherwise we might see something like a doubleheader Saturday in St. Louis and another one Sunday in Detroit.

Posted by: johnw at October 26, 2006 09:07 AM

Or they could just schedule day games on Monday and Tuesday.

Posted by: David Pinto at October 26, 2006 10:07 AM

Prison Break's Monday episode is not a season premiere. And neither is Justice. I don't think Fox wants to the World Series bumping up against Sweeps month, but if they can wrap it up on Tuesday, they should be good.

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at October 26, 2006 10:33 AM

Sorry, I guess I don't pay enough attention to FOX promos. (That's why God made "mute" buttons.) Okay, let's just say "heavily-hyped episodes" of their regular series. My point still stands: FOX has devoted a lot of time to promoting next week's prime-time shows; that investment will go to waste if the shows are pre-empted by baseball.

Monday and Tuesday late afternoon might be a possibility. If we get two more rainouts and games 6 and 7 do wind up on weekday afternoons, that'll tell you all you need to know about FOX' attitude toward baseball, and the balance of power between FOX and MLB.

Posted by: johnw at October 26, 2006 12:08 PM

Sweeps don't start until 11/2, probably making it moot:

However, wouldn't it be something if Fox dumped Game 7 of the World Series on F/X?

Posted by: Dennis at October 26, 2006 01:24 PM
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