Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 29, 2006
I Must Have ESPN

This is just too weird. For some reason, I was thinking about how I don't watch the NBA anymore, and really haven't followed it since the Larry Bird/Magic Johnson era. I was wondering what's going on with Red Auerbach, and I couldn't remember if he was still alive.

So today, I open up the ESPN home page, and there's the story that Red died yesterday.

I have a Red Auerbach story. I was traveling from Boston to New York on the Eastern shuttle in the late 1980's. As I boarded the plane, I noticed Red was waiting to board, smoking a cigar. At that time, smoking was banned on short flights. Red was waiting for the last minute to get on the plane so he could finish his cigar. As he walked off the plane in New York, he held a cigar in his mouth, and the second it was legal he lit the stogie.

During the 1970s, CBS gave a Red a half time feature, Red on Roundball. He would use current and former NBA players to teach to basics of basketball. It was a great series, fun to watch and educational at the same time.

Red led a long and successful life. He's commemorated in championship banners and a Boston statue (anyone can sit on a bench with Red). We all should be so accomplished.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:12 AM | Deaths | TrackBack (0)

hey big fan over here in oz. Any A grade US teams coming over this year ??

Posted by: craig at October 29, 2006 11:18 PM

re; red auerback & the celtics

red auerback was celtics basketball.

he really enjoyed beating the sixers, but he also enjoyed building up the rivalry across different generations--wilt v. russell, bird v. dr. j, paul pierce v. allen iverson.

the philly sixers-boston celtics rivalry is among the greatest in sports. and within that, the wilt chamberlain-bill russell rivalry might have been the greatest of all.

red auerbach may have been the shrewdest and smartest showman in the history of professional sports, down to the parquet floor which jinxed everyone who had to play in boston, which he had specially lifted and transported to the new facility.

too bad he didn't bring the smokey haze from boston garden with it. oh it was a nasty place to play on the road!

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at October 30, 2006 03:22 PM
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