Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 29, 2006
Hope for Ohio

The Beane Count for 2006 gives some hope to fans of the Indians and the Reds, as both Ohio teams finished first in their leagues in the Rob Neyer stat that uses home runs and walks collected and allowed. No team dominated every category this season, but the Indians were good in all of them. The Indians main problem this year was defense. They put up the second lowest DER of any AL team. Combined with the second lowest K per 9 in the AL, also those extra balls in play turned into hits. Some combination of better defense and more strikeouts to take pressure off the fielders should help the team in 2007.

The Reds dominated three of the four Beane Count categories, finishing 2nd in offensive home runs and walks, and first in walks allowed. But they were dead last in the NL in home runs allowed. The Reds offense is fine, their pitchers keep batters off base. They just need to reduce their fly ball percentage, which was 39% in 2006, not the highest in the league but close. Given their home park, it's dangerous to be high in that stat.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:00 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

I remember reading the Reds were interested to changing the philosophy for their positions to more of a focus on fielding than hitting during this offseason

Posted by: Adam B. at October 30, 2006 12:33 AM
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