Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 06, 2006
Washington to Texas

Evan Grant reports Ron Washington will be hired as the manager of the Texas Rangers:

He is viewed as an excellent communicator full of positive energy. Daniels made it clear during the news conference announcing Showalter's dismissal that he was searching for better communication.

That's always been Showalter's downfall. He's a fine strategist, he just doesn't manage people well. The article notes that as a coach in Oakland, the Athletics posted very good fielding percentages. Their DER was very good in 2005, good in 2004 and middle of the road in 2006. The Rangers DER was no where near as good over the same period. If Washington can get the Rangers to turn a few more balls in play into outs, he'll improved the pitching staff without changing a thing.

For an example of how Washington motivates, check out the section in the book Moneyball on how he taught Scott Hatteberg to play first base.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:29 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)
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