Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 08, 2006
Baseball Musings Radio Show

If you missed tonight's show, you can hear the recorded version here. It's also available on demand at TPSRadio.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:44 PM | Podcasts | TrackBack (0)

Hey David,

Quick question about the Mcgwire situation. I read this somewhere else but wanted to know what you think. Do you think it's possible that 95% of voters will punish Mac by not voting for him on the 1st ballot? If that happens, he is no longer eligable... I think the sports writers from St. Louis alone cover that 5%, but if enough people don't vote for him just on principle, who knows what will happen?

Are the ballots made public? I think if I were a voter I would be more likely to vote for a controversial guy like that if I knew it wouldn't come out afterward that I had voted for him. Some writer who makes a living by dragging Mcgwire's name through the mud may not want to be called a hypocrite if everyone knows that he voted for Mcgwire after all.


Posted by: Chris at November 9, 2006 02:26 AM

Yes, it's possible. I think I wrote about this last year. If everyone thinks he needs to be punished, he's suddenly off the ballot.

Posted by: David Pinto at November 9, 2006 07:37 AM
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