Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 13, 2006
Rookie Winners

The Baseball Writers picked Justin Verlander and Hanley Ramirez as Rookies of the Year. The AL Voting is here, and Verlander was the clear choice among the writers, although it was nice to see Liriano get one first place vote. Ramirez and Uggla didn't split the vote; Hanely received the most first place tallies as he takes home the Jackie Robinson award. Three Marlins finished in the top four, and six Flordia rookies received votes. I don't have much to argue here, a good job by the writers.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:09 PM | Awards | TrackBack (0)

I have it on good authority that Trevor Hoffman will win the NL Cy Young.

Posted by: Robb at November 13, 2006 03:18 PM

Wow...6 different Marlins got votes. Not a bad young team, eh?

Posted by: dave at November 13, 2006 03:35 PM

I would also like to know who left Papelbon off of the ballot?

Posted by: dave at November 13, 2006 03:36 PM

Russell Martin only got one measly 3rd-place vote? WTF?

Posted by: Adam Villani at November 13, 2006 05:06 PM

I would not have had a beef with Papelbon, Liriano either. I was pulling for Verlander, because I live in MI and got to watch him all season. 17 wins and a 3.63 is a no-brainer most years. Any of the three of the would run away with it in another year...

Posted by: Mr Furious at November 14, 2006 12:54 AM

Even with the injury, Papelbon was a better pitcher than Verlander. I know it's hard to compare starters with closers, but Papelbon led ALL closers in baseball with 18 Win Shares last year (Verlander had 17 Win Shares). Despite far fewer IP, Papelbon had 98 Pitchers Runs Created to 93 PRC for Verlander.

It's a close call, but it's bothersome that when Papelbon went down with an injury everyone automatically jumped on the Verlander bandwagon.

Posted by: iowadave at November 14, 2006 10:21 AM

Iowadave, Why is that bothersome? Verlander pitched all year, Papelbon couldn't stay healthy, and neither could Liriano.

Posted by: Chad at November 15, 2006 10:15 PM
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