Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 16, 2006
Movin' On Up

It won't be official until Friday, but Bob Geren appears to be the new manager of the Oakland Athletics:

A's closer Huston Street said he heard Thursday from Geren, who told the pitcher he got the job.

"I'm really excited," said Street, the 2005 AL Rookie of the Year. "He's already called me and we've spoken a little bit. I spent my first full year in the big leagues with him in the bullpen. He was the first professional coach I got a feel for and got to understand. What he brings is someone dedicated to the team and dedicated to his players. He's got a good feel for the team and that's a real positive for all of us."

Beane promoted Macha from the bench as well. I hope someone asks how much Geren is on board with the front office approach to managing the game? Maybe someone will ask at the news conference. Since Beane and Geren are such great friends, I wonder what it's going to be like when Billy needs to fire Bob someday? That would be rough.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:02 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

The best case situation for Billy is that Billy leaves being a GM or someone wants to offer Geren a boatload of money before it gets to Billy having to fire Bob.

Posted by: Adam B. at November 17, 2006 12:32 AM
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