Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 19, 2006

The Angles signed Justin Speier to a four year contract today.

The Angels, adding to one of the game's top bullpens, have agreed with Speier on a four-year, $18 million free-agent contract, has learned.

The length of the contract, first reported by, is a surprise, considering that Speier, a right-hander, recently turned 33.

Speier is a good pitcher. He's 33, but he's only thrown 517 innings in his career. He strikes out batters, doesn't walk many, and doesn't give up many home runs. It's a new market, and 4 1/2 million a year doesn't seem like much.

Lookout Landing, however, think things are going insane:

This market is ridiculous. Run away, as fast as you can.

I disagree. Since the start of free agency, no stayed top salary for very long. Since the Manny and A-Rod contracts, however, the market took a pause. With the revenue stream on the rise again, salaries are on the rise again as well, as it should be. Yes, the years Soriano and Speier received are long for players their age. But I expect the yearly money to grow fast again, just like it did up until the A-Rod contract.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:42 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

Omar's in season contracts with Wright and Reyes look better by the day.

Posted by: abe at November 19, 2006 08:25 PM

Yep, so do the deals the Indians gave Sizemore, Martinez, and, if he gets his act together, Peralta.

Boston better sign Papelbon to a longterm deal, ASAP.

Posted by: the other josh at November 19, 2006 08:33 PM

The problem with a 'ridiculous' market is not that yearly salaries explode. The problem is that the talent gap between the haves and the have-nots gets bigger and bigger. Exploding salaries don't hurt, in fact are usually caused by, the big market clubs.

I'm still waiting for mention of Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Florida, Minnesota, Tampa Bay, Washington, etc... in any of these big $$ FA discussions.

Posted by: George S at November 19, 2006 10:43 PM

Speier can get hit a bunch off his fastball... his off speed stuff is great and he keeps lefties in check but his fastball can get flat and he can get hit. His 2004 stats show the adjustment he had to go through in the Rogers Center... or as we like to call it, The Launching Pad.

Man... The Big Hurt is going to have fun there... Let's keep the lid closed...

Posted by: Andrew at November 19, 2006 11:29 PM

If there are too few guys available, what's stopping the supply, ie why, as has been reported, are dramatically fewer young guys choosing to go into the sport? Instead of fighting over fewer and fewer crumbs, they should look at that. Also, salaries took a dip after Sept. 11, 2001, as they did in most things. Peoples' lives changed drastically after that.

Posted by: susan mullen at November 20, 2006 12:25 AM

I don't think any small market club should be complaining about not getting in on this market. This crop of FA's is very thin. I would run away from it for that reason alone. Spier seems to be a decent pitcher and 4.5 is not a whole lot for a reliever even if he only gives you three good years it's still a decent deal. The Soriano deal is insane as will the JD Drew deal be I'd imagine. There is a perfect storm of not enough talent and too much money on the market. Zito, Soriano, Schmidt are going to make out like bandits this year and better FA's in future years will probably not fair as well because of it. Also the Red Sox wanting to get rid of Manny because of his contract just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.

Posted by: Jason at November 20, 2006 02:27 AM

Yearly money is one thing, but paying Justin Speier until he's 37? That'll always be absurd to me.

Posted by: Jeff Sullivan at November 20, 2006 09:48 AM
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