Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 26, 2006
Probabilistic Model of Range, Second Basemen, 2006

As with the left fielders, I'll present both the velocity model and the velocity/distance model. We'll start with the old velocity model:

Probabilistic Model of Range, Second Basemen. Model is Based on 2006 Data Only. Minimum 1000 Balls in Play. Uses Velocity for Fly Balls.
Player In Play Actual Outs Predicted Outs DER Predicted DER Difference
Tony Graffanino 1702 186 161.05 0.109 0.095 0.01466
Neifi Perez 1374 166 152.40 0.121 0.111 0.00990
Jamey Carroll 2806 396 372.04 0.141 0.133 0.00854
Joe S Inglett 1349 157 145.78 0.116 0.108 0.00832
Orlando Hudson 4128 552 522.65 0.134 0.127 0.00711
Aaron W Hill 2777 358 340.66 0.129 0.123 0.00625
Jose Valentin 2367 316 301.96 0.134 0.128 0.00593
Mark Ellis 3407 390 370.15 0.114 0.109 0.00583
Jose C Lopez 4045 473 451.94 0.117 0.112 0.00521
Placido Polanco 2838 373 359.11 0.131 0.127 0.00489
Luis Castillo 3663 416 401.24 0.114 0.110 0.00403
Chase Utley 4151 476 460.10 0.115 0.111 0.00383
Robinson Cano 3160 385 372.91 0.122 0.118 0.00383
Chris A Burke 1012 128 124.23 0.126 0.123 0.00373
Dan C Uggla 3935 485 473.20 0.123 0.120 0.00300
Tadahito Iguchi 3782 428 418.52 0.113 0.111 0.00251
Josh L Barfield 3755 442 435.89 0.118 0.116 0.00163
Jose Castillo 3832 387 381.40 0.101 0.100 0.00146
Brandon Phillips 3791 404 399.50 0.107 0.105 0.00119
Marcus Giles 3589 412 413.47 0.115 0.115 -0.00041
Mark Grudzielanek 3595 367 370.61 0.102 0.103 -0.00100
Mark Loretta 3578 401 410.00 0.112 0.115 -0.00251
Brian Roberts 3634 398 407.17 0.110 0.112 -0.00252
Ray Durham 3525 393 402.11 0.111 0.114 -0.00258
Adam Kennedy 3386 406 415.75 0.120 0.123 -0.00288
Ian M Kinsler 3288 424 433.63 0.129 0.132 -0.00293
Aaron Miles 2016 238 245.21 0.118 0.122 -0.00358
Ronnie Belliard 3860 448 464.43 0.116 0.120 -0.00426
Jeff Kent 2811 325 338.95 0.116 0.121 -0.00496
Craig Biggio 3162 360 376.73 0.114 0.119 -0.00529
Hector Luna 1487 151 159.76 0.102 0.107 -0.00589
Rickie Weeks 2402 263 278.24 0.109 0.116 -0.00634
Kaz Matsui 1403 169 178.92 0.120 0.128 -0.00707
Jose Vidro 2905 305 327.93 0.105 0.113 -0.00789
Jorge L Cantu 2859 283 311.98 0.099 0.109 -0.01014
Ty Wigginton 1075 105 117.30 0.098 0.109 -0.01144
Todd Walker 1279 128 147.72 0.100 0.115 -0.01542

And here's the mixed velocity/distance model:

Probabilistic Model of Range, Second Basemen. Model is Based on 2006 Data Only. Minimum 1000 Balls in Play. Uses Distance for Fly Balls.
Player In Play Actual Outs Predicted Outs DER Predicted DER Difference
Tony Graffanino 1702 186 165.06 0.109 0.097 0.01230
Jamey Carroll 2806 396 370.20 0.141 0.132 0.00920
Aaron W Hill 2777 358 334.22 0.129 0.120 0.00856
Orlando Hudson 4128 552 520.38 0.134 0.126 0.00766
Jose Valentin 2367 316 301.32 0.134 0.127 0.00620
Mark Grudzielanek 3595 367 344.87 0.102 0.096 0.00616
Chase Utley 4151 476 451.34 0.115 0.109 0.00594
Joe S Inglett 1349 157 151.57 0.116 0.112 0.00403
Mark Ellis 3407 390 376.45 0.114 0.110 0.00398
Neifi Perez 1374 166 160.56 0.121 0.117 0.00396
Jose C Lopez 4045 473 457.26 0.117 0.113 0.00389
Robinson Cano 3160 385 373.02 0.122 0.118 0.00379
Luis Castillo 3663 416 403.31 0.114 0.110 0.00346
Placido Polanco 2838 373 363.35 0.131 0.128 0.00340
Chris A Burke 1012 128 125.30 0.126 0.124 0.00267
Brandon Phillips 3791 404 397.11 0.107 0.105 0.00182
Jose Castillo 3832 387 384.20 0.101 0.100 0.00073
Tadahito Iguchi 3782 428 425.35 0.113 0.112 0.00070
Dan C Uggla 3935 485 482.86 0.123 0.123 0.00054
Brian Roberts 3634 398 396.92 0.110 0.109 0.00030
Josh L Barfield 3755 442 441.53 0.118 0.118 0.00013
Ian M Kinsler 3288 424 426.80 0.129 0.130 -0.00085
Adam Kennedy 3386 406 409.98 0.120 0.121 -0.00118
Marcus Giles 3589 412 417.71 0.115 0.116 -0.00159
Ray Durham 3525 393 401.46 0.111 0.114 -0.00240
Craig Biggio 3162 360 369.43 0.114 0.117 -0.00298
Jeff Kent 2811 325 335.51 0.116 0.119 -0.00374
Mark Loretta 3578 401 415.16 0.112 0.116 -0.00396
Aaron Miles 2016 238 246.01 0.118 0.122 -0.00397
Hector Luna 1487 151 157.64 0.102 0.106 -0.00447
Rickie Weeks 2402 263 275.27 0.109 0.115 -0.00511
Ronnie Belliard 3860 448 472.37 0.116 0.122 -0.00631
Kaz Matsui 1403 169 179.09 0.120 0.128 -0.00719
Jose Vidro 2905 305 327.48 0.105 0.113 -0.00774
Jorge L Cantu 2859 283 307.27 0.099 0.107 -0.00849
Ty Wigginton 1075 105 116.62 0.098 0.108 -0.01081
Todd Walker 1279 128 144.79 0.100 0.113 -0.01313

I'm starting to like the mixed model more. Grudzielanek does better in the second chart. He won the gold glove and did very well in John Dewan's +/- system. Both system agree on the bottom five. Among the second basemen who play every day, Orlando Hudson comes out on top in both systems. I believe he came out near the top last year as well.


As a Jays fan it's friggin' GREAT to see Aaron Hill just a notch behind Hudson. Shame they're going to move him to SS.

Posted by: Jurgen at November 26, 2006 07:21 PM

i'm not surprised to see mark loretta so low. he seemed to have pretty poor range, despite his good hands. so, i'm keeping score at home, and i noticed that the red sox came out as just slightly above neutral in groundball defense, and so far, without 3rd base, they're at about neutral. so does that mean that lowell is going to be about average? every other statistic i've seen has shown that he had a phenomenal season in the field. i've seen figures like +15 to 20 runs. i guess this is kind of jumping the gun.

Posted by: amos at November 26, 2006 09:54 PM

Dave, I like the site. However, I am consistently confused what this information means. Many times when I come to your site, I skip over all this hard work because it makes absolutely no sense to me. Could you post an explanation of these models.

Posted by: Bob at November 27, 2006 08:13 AM

Sorry Pinto but your system is WHACKED this year. Perhaps it is the data you are receiving, I don't know. But you have some players WAYYY too high for their production last year.

Just an opinion

Posted by: d-man at November 27, 2006 10:23 AM

Some D'Backs fans were apparently less than enamoured of Hudson's defence this year, and Chris Dial's system has him as below league average this year. Could you please let me know what the results were for groundballs only. Some have suggested that Hudson makes a significant part of his numbers by pop-fly hogging.

Posted by: Mike Green at November 27, 2006 10:50 AM

I think the presentation of this data would be greatly improved by dropping the last 3 columns -- DER, predicted DER, and difference -- and replacing them with two columns that are more helpful at the player level:
1) Out difference (actual minus predicted outs)
2) Out percentage (actual outs divided by predicted outs)

DER is great at the team level, both overall and separately for GBs and airballs. We know what it means. But it has no intuitive meaning at the player level: no one "expects" Hudson to make outs on 12.6% of all balls in play when he's in the field. However, saying that a player makes 110% or 92% as many outs as the average player at his position has clear meaning. So does saying "he made an extra 8 outs," or "he cost his team 12 outs."

Posted by: Guy at November 27, 2006 11:19 AM

I completely agree with Guy, and said as much on my blog.

Posted by: tangotiger at November 27, 2006 02:19 PM

re: chase utley

nice to see a guy with a great glove and a great bat.

if only the phils had held onto scott rolen, what an infield they'd have of Howard, Utley, Rollins & Rolen. It's be better than Connie Mack's of the 1910s.

--art kyriazis, philly

Posted by: art kyriazis at December 1, 2006 05:14 PM
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