Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 14, 2006
An Arm for Seattle

Miguel Batista signed a three-year deal with the Mariners:

Batista signed a three-year contract Thursday that was believed to be worth between $8 million and $9 million annually. The signing adds another proven starter to the rotation, but one with a losing career record who is not the front-line No. 1 pitcher that management and fans have been seeking.

It's not a bad deal as list him with an ERA+ over 100 for the last six seasons. Given the money some other pitchers received, that's a very reasonable deal.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:49 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

I think he got to much money for pitching very poorly as he has done. But in MLB these things happen.

Also I love the blog you guys have here. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and then I will do the same for your site.

If you want to do this just write a comment on my blog with the URL to the homepage and the name you want me to put for the link.


Posted by: David Stefanini at December 15, 2006 12:28 AM
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