Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 03, 2007
Baseball Musings Radio Show

The Baseball Musings radio show will be on TPSRadio tonight at 8 PM EST. Check out TPSRadio's other sports programming as well.

You can stop by the chat room at TPSRadio during the broadcast and leave a comment. Also, feel free to leave a question in the comments to this post and I'll be happy to answer it on the air. I can really use some topics this week, as there's not much news.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:47 PM | Broadcasts | TrackBack (0)

What are your thoughts on teams going with a four man rotation? Being a red sox fan, this seems like an intriguing possiblity. If they use wake, schil, d-mat, and beckett as their four, then they can put paplebon in the closer spot (let's face it, they won't find anyone else for the job, unless hansen impresses in the spring). Those four pitchers can all eat innings, usually going for 7+, unless beckett is having a rough outing. this would ease the use of the bullpen. By dropping a starter, they can use that spot to carry an extra fielder to platoon with Willy-Mo and/or Youklis. Just a thought. What's your opinion?

Posted by: Heath at January 3, 2007 05:47 PM

Also, with the next few weeks most likely being slow in the news dept, maybe you could do some shows outlining the "best" players and prospects at each position.

And, which do you prefer for analyzing a players value... VORP or win shares? I prefer VORP, but its just so complicated and arbitrary that it annoys me

Posted by: Heath at January 3, 2007 05:52 PM
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