Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 18, 2007
Putting On the Pressure

The mess that is the Barry Bonds contract negotiations keep getting more tangled. Via Deadspin, it seems there's ample opportunity for a dispute if the Giants end the negotiations.

According to multiple industry sources, the Giants cannot use the failed drug test to walk away from the contract because legally they should not have received the confidential information. Even if the Giants decided to nullify the deal for other reasons, Bonds could argue in a grievance that the drug test was the real cause and win a judgment.

Moreover, one lawyer who works in the industry but is not connected to Bonds or the Giants said if the deal crumbles, Bonds might have a strong case against MLB or the union for sabotaging it if he can prove one or the other leaked the positive amphetamine test.

On the other hand, Bonds' case might be weakened because he and the Giants did not submit a letter of agreement to MLB and the union when they reached financial terms, which would have made it binding. The Giants say that was Bonds' choice, because he wanted certain contract issues settled first.

The Giants and Bonds struck their tentative agreement Dec. 7. Bonds' agent, Jeff Borris, who declined comment Wednesday, had predicted it would take weeks to complete the language.

I'm guessing this is a negotiating tactic by the Giants. They knew all the dirt. If they didn't want Barry, all they had to do was say no to a new contract. My bet is they're using a new leak of their intentions to walk away from the deal to force Bonds to accept their version of the contract. My guess is the entourage disappears.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:39 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

The Giants have all the leverage. Another team may sign Bonds, but no one else is playing him close to 16 (up to 20) million. I still can't believe the Giants admitted that their offer was that high in order not to embarass him. Utterly ridiculous. The sticking points we last heard were his entourage and missing time from suspension/indictment, both vaid points on the Giants side. Especially the legal one. No way I pay him if he is sitting in jail. Bonds ought to accept whatever stipulations they are asking for. He's not getting better money anywhere else, which seems to be what he cares about.

Posted by: Joe at January 18, 2007 07:28 PM

of COURSE the giants knew all the dirt. barry TOLD everyone he had flunked the test and would have to take 6 more tests during the year


wonder if he flunked that test on purpose so he could get all the extra tests to prove he not taking roids...

it's barry and youneverknow

i think you are right about bye bye entourage.

Posted by: lisa gray at January 18, 2007 11:35 PM

Giants front office may seem stupid, but they know what's going on. After the positive test made the news, the fan base revolted against Barry giving them enough incentive to push back on a multitude of his ridiculous contract requests. They absolutely have all the leverage now, but after a mediocre offseason with one crazy contract and a middling roster of aged so-and-sos to show for it they still need Bonds.

Posted by: chazmao at January 19, 2007 12:34 AM

Did Barry sign the deal yet ? if not, how could he file a greievance when he still hasnt signed the contract ? He should have signed it the day it was offered.

Hey, the Giants dont have all winter to sit around waiting for Sir Barry to sign the contract. The Giants could easily use that as a defense. they need to solidify their team NOW.

The Giants could argue that since Bonds hasnt signed, they missed out on Trot Nixon.

Posted by: The Gov'Nah at January 19, 2007 03:48 PM
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