Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 18, 2007
Three For Davis

The Arizona Diamondbacks signed Doug Davis to a three year deal, terms undisclosed so far. The two sides were over $2 million apart in their arbitration figures.

Update: CBSSportsLine offers more details on the deal. Davis will around the DBacks offer this year, his asking price next year, and a raise in 2009 for about $22 million total.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:26 PM | Transactions | TrackBack (0)

For an update on the Doug Davis signing; the Arizona Diamondbacks acquired him last November from the Milwaukee Brewers have tied the knot to the tune of $22 million over 3 years.

Posted by: bloggingfool at January 22, 2007 07:10 AM
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