Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 05, 2007
Stark on the Cubs

Jayson Stark takes an in-depth look at the Cubs and their off-season moves. One thing I really like is that Hendry realizes the fans need a winner:

Hendry still recalls looking around, during the seventh inning of the final game of last season -- a season in which the Cubs lost more games (96) than every team in baseball except the Royals and Devil Rays. What he saw, amazingly, was 33,000 people still hanging out in the seats of Wrigley Field. That sight told him something.

It was yet one more reminder that "we've got a lot of people who really, really care about the Cubs," the GM said. "We won 66 games last season, and these people deserve better than that."

The Cubs, Indians and Giants have a huge obligation to their fans to deliver winners. It's good to see the Cubs taking that seriously in 2007.

Posted by David Pinto at 12:52 PM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

The Cubs put on quite the expensive dog'n'pony show, but I'm not sure if I can agree that the Tribune Company treated the need for a winner seriously.

I do believe they treated the idea of winning seriously, giving Cubs fans the illusion of impending success and increasing/protecting the team's perceived value as a sale approaches. However, it all seems to promise solid mediocrity for many years instead of the slow and steady accumulation of talent that helps encourage sustained success.

I will not take it personally if I'm proven wrong over the next few years. Vaya con Dios, Hendry.

Posted by: Dennis at February 5, 2007 01:13 PM
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