Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 21, 2007
Zambrano Signs

The Cubs and Carlos Zambrano avoided arbitration yesterday with the sides agreeing to a one year deal with the idea of working on a longer term contract:

Both sides seemed satisfied with terms of the deal, which wound up about $1 million shy of the midpoint of the numbers they exchanged at arbitration, Zambrano's $15.5 million and the Cubs' $11.025 million. But Zambrano can earn another $2 million in award incentives, including World Series most valuable player and top five in Cy Young Award balloting.

It's an interesting compromise. In guaranteed money, the Cubs are below the midpoint, so it looks like a win for them, but if Zambrano pitches a fantastic season, he earns close to his asking price. The question now turns to the long term deal:

"Like 'Z' said, the goal is [that] this needs to get done before Opening Day because he doesn't want it to become a distraction," Praver said.

But the sides remain far apart. The Cubs are thinking about a deal comparable to the five-year, $73 million deal Roy Oswalt received from Houston last summer. Zambrano has said repeatedly he wants something close to the $18 million per year free-agent left-hander Barry Zito got from San Francisco, which would amount to $90 million for five years.

"It's up to [Hendry]," Zambrano said. "I'm ready to lead this team to a championship and win in this city. The fans deserve us to go to the playoffs and to win for the city of Chicago."

Hendry is convinced Zambrano wants to stay. But if they had gone to arbitration Tuesday, it probably would have been difficult to come to a long-term deal.

"Philosophically, Carlos has made it real clear he wants to be here, first preference and second preference," Hendry said. "Why would I, as a general manager, not want him on the ballclub? That will be our intent."

Maybe they'll split the difference of this contract as well. $82 Million for five years doesn't sound too shabby. Or Carlos can just test the free agent waters and watch the offers flow in.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:54 AM | Transactions | TrackBack (0)

What will be strange about all this is if the Cubs let Zambrano walk after this season, especially if they claim their payroll is too high for him to be resigned. Odd that they would choose Ted Lilly and Jason Marquis over him but I guess there is a reason that the Cubs haven't won the World Series in forever.

Posted by: Tom at February 21, 2007 06:14 PM

I dont care what he makes - he's signed for 2007. Cubs are gonna need him to be THE man once again. Though I agree with the above comment...seems to me they could have used some of the money they spent on that dirty ex-Cardinal Jason '6.02 ERA' Marquis to keep Big Z in a Cubs uniform this year and beyond. We don't need another Greg Maddox situation.......


Posted by: One Angry Swede at February 22, 2007 09:54 AM

Two things:

1. There isnt a snowball's chance in hell he doesn't sign a long-term contract prior to the season. Zambrano has a history of forearm (elbow?) and back issues, the money he'll be offered (5-16ish) is simply too good to pass up with the possibility of injury on the horizon.

2. There is a Garry Maddox and a Greg Maddux, there is is no Greg Maddox.

Posted by: Santos Sorrow at February 22, 2007 03:46 PM
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