Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 23, 2007
Buy a Fan

Would you like to force someone to root for and write about your team? Manny Stiles is auctioning off his fandom to raise money for AIDS research.

I will write 50 articles throughout the season covering the team of your choice from the end of this Auction until Nov 1st. 99% of the proceeds will benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS foundation , the other 1% will go to a logo emblazoned item for my personal use to PROVE my dedication as a fan of my new team!

It's for a very good cause, and if your team isn't the most popular one on the block, it's a way of getting them some blogospheric exposure! Bid early and often!

Posted by David Pinto at 03:51 PM | Fans | TrackBack (0)
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