Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 02, 2007
A-Rod Up

Alex Rodriguez comes up for his first plate appearance of the season with men on first and second and one out.

Update: Kazmir works him low and inside to a full count, then goes outside and Alex swings and misses at ball four. Both runners move up on a stolen base, however, and Kazmir is pitching to Giambi.

Update: Giambi singles to center, driving in two. The Yankees are working Kazmir, he's already over 20 pitches this inning. He's gotten the two righties (Jeter and Rodriguez) but the three lefties all picked up singles.

Update: Matsui walks. Posada'sup, but I wonder if he should bat left-handed.

Update: Posada pops out to end the inning. The three righties up in the inning made all the outs.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:25 PM | Opening Day | TrackBack (0)

Nice that someone can see it. ESPN has Sportscenter on in my area.

Posted by: Bob Sikes at April 2, 2007 01:42 PM
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