Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 29, 2007
Defense in Center

A ball just dropped between Jason Kubel and Torii Hunter because Torii didn't do his job as a centerfielder and try to catch everything. He jogged after a ball he thought Kubel could catch, rather than running full speed and calling Kubel off. Kubel thought Hunter would get the ball, and it fell for a hit to put runners on first and second with one out.

Update: Santana gets a strikeout and ground out to end the inning. No score at the end of two in Detroit.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:46 PM | Defense | TrackBack (0)

Torii just doesn't have the legs that he once did. He is just an overpaid centerfielder now.

Posted by: Matt at April 29, 2007 02:21 PM

Hunter hustled to get to several fine catches against the Indians last week. He sure did not look like he had lost any speed then.

Posted by: Zippercat at April 30, 2007 10:32 AM
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