Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 30, 2007
No Firings

No one is going to fire Torre or Cashman:

"The season is still very young, but up to now the results are clearly not acceptable to me or to Yankee fans," Steinbrenner said in a statement. "However, Brian Cashman, our general manager, Joe Torre, our manager, and our players all believe that they will turn this around quickly.

"I believe in them. I am here to support them in any way to help them accomplish this turnaround. It is time to put excuses and talk away. It is time to see if people are ready to step up and accept their responsibilities. It is time for all of them to show me and the fans what they are made of.

"Let's get going. Let's go out and win and bring a world championship back to New York. That's what I want."

The Yankees are basically in the same situation they were two years ago, except they're trailing the Red Sox instead of the Orioles. The starters lasted longer in games that season, but they were getting hammered, too.

In my opinion, the Yankees need to rethink bullpen use in light of their starters' short outings. More innings per appearance, less repeat appearances. It goes against conventional wisdom right now, but the Yankees are in far from a conventional situation.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:40 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

It's probably not realistic to say this but I'm of the opinion that if we're going to get rocked for 11 runs, why not 17? Let's leave the starting pitchers in there longer, let's let them suffer the extra runs. Our bats will either help us out of the jam or they won't. Of late, if we're down by 3-4 we can't expect our bats to get us out of the jam.

So let's give our bullpen a rest.

Oh and I'd actually like to see us eliminate having guys in our bullpen who are there for the occasional lefty and then go away. We need relief that'll be there for more than a single out or even a single inning with the exception of Mariano.

We do that for a while we might actually have some success.

Posted by: Jonathan at April 30, 2007 04:15 PM

And may I add, Duh. Torre's job was never in any danger.

Posted by: Rob McMillin at April 30, 2007 05:27 PM

I agree with David and Jonathan. If the Yanks are to turn this around, they will need (a) a real resurgence in the starting rotation, and (b) a bullpen that's still functional when/if the rotation rounds into shape.

And while they are unlikely to swing any trades for starting pitching anytime soon, they should be able to pick up a couple of semi-disposable quad-A types, the Kyle Snyders of the world, who could eat some innings. Use them in the games that get out of hand, and save one good string of relievers -- say, Proctor, Vizcaino and Rivera -- for close games. If you need to clear roster space, start by dumping Mike Myers; he ain't that good anyway, and a LOOGY is a luxury the Yankees can't afford right now.

Posted by: jvwalt at April 30, 2007 07:05 PM

Dumping Myers is an idea that a lot of Yankee fans have advocated for awhile now and it makes sense. Torre is awful at managing a bullpen. There also needs to be an emphasis on letting the starters go longer. Wang pitched three innings with a split fingernail I don't see why sending him out for a fourth would have hurt the Yankees last night. They lost the game anyway and burned more of the bullpen as well. There was also a Rasner game where he was taken out with just over 80 pitches. Torre is awful at managing pitching and this year's starter woes are amplifying that fact.

Torre should go at the end of this year mostly because I believe there needs to be a shakeup in the team and not because injuries have put us in a tailspin. It's not 1996 anymore and I believe a new identiy would do these Yankees a world of good.

Send in Scott Proctor!

Posted by: Jason at April 30, 2007 07:22 PM

I don't agree with Jason. The Yankees' problems are deep and serious, and not Torre's fault. This all started when Steinbrenner and Cashman started trading away the farm to get established stars. The pitching staff is now old and injury-prone, and there aren't enough youngsters who are ready to step in. This strategy helped the Yankees win several championships, but they're paying for them now, and probably will be for awhile. Aging, muscle-bound teams with questionable pitching (think the Rangers) usually struggle to finish at .500. The situation reminds me of when Jerry Jones spread out the contracts of his Cowboys' stars over many years, so he could keep the team together under the cap. It worked in the short run, but the team paid for it in the long run, as they didn't have enough money to rebuild for quite a while.

Posted by: beckya57 at April 30, 2007 11:08 PM

If you don't think Torre and Cashman are in the crosshairs you either know nothing about the Boss, or believe his mental facilities have deteriorated to such a degree he is no longer in control. The manager's game strategy has been lacking for years. The criticism exploded last season culminating in his batting Arod 8th. This season, Petite in a relief appearance and Mariano in 8th, all in the critical month of April. Torre's job was saved in the offseason by Swindal and Cashman. Both men have lost standing in the organization. as for the GM, his pitching moves have been awful going back to the Javier Vasquez trade, passing on Free Agent Colon. You can make arguments for each decision, but the on field results have been poor. This season he staff the team poorly at first and catcher. His position is indefensible. the right move was dumping Torre for Pinella in the offseason. If anything will stay the Boss's firing hand, beyond health, it's the question of who is next. You cannot fire Torre and Mattingly back to back. Is Girardi ready for NY after blowing up within the marlins hierarchy? Bowa as a caretaker? The easy choice is off the table. That's the best news Joe and Brian have. But make no mistake, if the struggles continue for another 15 games heads will roll. And so they should.

Posted by: abe at May 1, 2007 09:09 AM
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