Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 01, 2007
Sting Operation

Via Getting Paid to Watch, the New York Daily News provides more on the Kirk Radomski story:

Over the course of the past year, several major league baseball players got phone calls from steroid dealer Kirk Radomski and noted to themselves or others that the calls seemed "strange."

After Radomski, a onetime Mets clubhouse attendant, pleaded guilty to distributing steroids Friday, they probably have a better idea of what he wanted.

According to sources familiar with Radomski's activities since federal agents searched his home in December 2005, as well as sources who spoke to the players in question, Radomski already was working for federal investigators when he made those calls, taping his conversations. Just last week, as The Associated Press reported, Radomski testified before the same grand jury investigating perjury charges against Barry Bonds.

The search warrant affidavit said Radomski had provided drugs to at least one player who "was publicly identified as being associated with BALCO laboratories." Those players include Bonds, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Gary Sheffield, Benito Santiago, Bobby Estalella, Marvin Benard, Randy Velarde and Armando Rios.

And this:

Sources interviewed were not certain how many players' voices ended up on tape, but one lawyer close to the case said those players have reason to worry.

"They went to a lot of trouble to gather this evidence," the attorney said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "It wasn't like they were looking for a bigger fish than (Radomski) with those calls - they're collecting evidence on the players. They aren't looking at suppliers when they do this, they're looking at users."

The feds are finally going after the players. They can do what drug testing can't, take away livelihoods.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:55 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for imminent indictments. The Feds can move exceedingly slow at times. They tend to get wrapped up in crossing the "t's" and dotting their "i's". It has been two years since the crooked congressman from Louisiana was caught with $90K of marked bribery money in his freezer and yet no charges yet.

Posted by: largebill at May 1, 2007 12:41 PM

well, i'm not gonna hold my breath here, seeing as how radomsky was grabbed 18 months ago and most of those guys have been out of baseball for longer than that.

i would love to see anyone try to prosecute someone for supposedly ordering illegal drugs through a drug dealer several years back.

this is gonna be GOOD.

Posted by: lisa gray at May 1, 2007 02:21 PM

The bigger fish is Barry Bonds. By hook or by crook. Like WMDs in Iraq.

Posted by: CJ at May 1, 2007 03:32 PM

truth is that ALL they care about is nailing barry bonds. lets be real here

Posted by: lisa gray at May 2, 2007 04:09 PM
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