Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 06, 2007
Show me the Money!

The Yankees agree to pay Roger Clemens $28 million, prorated for the season. I assume that means he'll get 2/3 of that, or a little over $18 million. Does the yearly value of the contract make him the highest paid player?

Posted by David Pinto at 04:36 PM | Pitchers | TrackBack (0)

C'mon, David, you really think Clemens is doing this because he really wants to help his friends win, or that Jeter's e-mails were anything but an ego boost?

I'd say the almost-$5MM per month was a slightly bigger factor. No way either Houston or Boston would have been willing to match it. Like Olney said...Clemens is set to make around $75,000 per PITCH this season; assuming approximately 19 starts and 100 pitches per. Just unfathomable money.

Posted by: the other josh at May 6, 2007 05:32 PM

When the Red Sox missed the playoffs last year, I read somewhere that it's worth 50 million to an organization to make/miss post season. It seemed high at the time and unfortunately can't remember the source. But put in context of 200 million Sox spent and fact that he may well be the difference it puts seemingly outlandish figure in perspective.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2007 06:07 PM

I might be mistaken, but I believe that $50MM applies to teams that don't already sell out every game. I think the article was written w/r to Detroit, and the money they'd be making from improved ticket sales and more national TV time. Boston/NY don't exactly suffer in these departments. No way Roger increases NY's revenue by anything close to what he costs, nor would he have been able to for the Sox.

No, $30MM screams, 'We need you because without you we're pretty screwed.' Which is fine. And, something nobody seems to be talking about...The Boss is getting old. His team is getting a little old, too. Who knows how much longer he'll be around to see them win?

Posted by: the other josh at May 6, 2007 10:40 PM
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