Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 07, 2007
To the Pen Too Early?

Steve Trachsel and Fausto Carmona matched each other through six innings, each allowing one run to score. Trachsel threw eighty-eight pitches, but didn't come out for the seventh. The Indians took advantage of Chad Bradford and John Parrish to score four runs on four hits and a walk. The Indians take a 5-1 lead, and now have the bases loaded with two out in the eighth.

The Indians left Carmona in and he retired the side in the seventh without allowing a run. He's over 100 pitches now, so he many not come out for the eighth.

Update: Hafner slams a homer into the right-center seats to clear the bases and give the Indians a 9-1 lead. On the previous batter, Tejada made a poor throw to second that extended the inning, although no error was charged on the play. Like they say, it's a game of inches.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:10 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

40 million being flushed down the drain again for the Orioles.

Posted by: s1c at May 7, 2007 05:26 PM

What's Hafner's career SLG with the bases loaded? it seems like this dude is a grand slam machine.

Posted by: Adam Villani at May 8, 2007 04:34 AM
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